Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Improving Governance Structure and Performance

We tend to think of process improvement as deeply entrenched in the day to day operations of a work group or organization. And with good reason. History has shown there is a lot of room for improvement at this most detailed level of work. Still, that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities at other levels as […]

Get a Glimpse of the Next Service or Product with Focus Groups

In Focus Groups, we are usually asking questions about a current product or service or one that is in development. However, they can be an effective tool for learning more about what unmet needs and wants your customers may have. Going further, they can help you and your customers begin to identify needs and wants […]

Improving Governance Structure and Performance

We tend to think of process improvement as deeply entrenched in the day to day operations of a work group or organization. And with good reason. History has shown there is a lot of room for improvement at this most detailed level of work. Still, that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities at other levels as […]

Get a Glimpse of the Next Service or Product with Focus Groups

In Focus Groups, we are usually asking questions about a current product or service or one that is in development. However, they can be an effective tool for learning more about what unmet needs and wants your customers may have. Going further, they can help you and your customers begin to identify needs and wants […]